Call For Papers


Scope The International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems (ISICAS) invites high-quality submissions presenting original work in the areas of integrated circuits and systems. Topics are in the areas of analog, digital, power, energy, biomedical, sensor interfaces, and communication systems. The submissions must describe integrated circuit and system implementations with experimental results. Extended versions of recently published conference papers with significant additional materials are also welcome.

All accepted papers will be published in Special Issues of TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TBioCAS, and OJCAS shortly after the results are presented at ISICAS 2024.

Call for Papers

All submitted manuscripts must conform to the formatting and page count limit rules set by TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TBioCAS, and OJCAS. The authors of accepted manuscripts and those subject to minor revision at the time the ISICAS 2024 Technical program is drawn up will be asked to present their work at the Symposium.

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